
From the Back Pew Blog

10 Books from Christian Publishers to Add to Your Reading List

July 15, 2024

Looking for something new to read? There’s no shortage of bestselling Christian books for every type of audience but finding the right one for your tastes can be tricky. As we’ve done in the past, we’ve compiled a list of recommended reading in a variety of genres. We also focus on newer publications so that […]

Sculptural relief of Martin Luther playing music with his family.

A Brief History of Lutheran Church Music

June 11, 2024

From the earliest days of the Reformation, Martin Luther recognized the power of music to stir the soul and spread the Gospel message. As he famously said, “Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should […]

A small wooden church in rural Minnesota.

Top 10 Historic Lutheran Sites in Minnesota

May 15, 2024

Minnesota is rich in Lutheran history. From majestic churches to noteable educational institutions, there are numerous historical and cultural sites across our state that highlight our Lutheran roots and tell stories of faith and community.  Whether you’re a history buff, a faithful congregant, or simply curious, these top 10 Lutheran sites in Minnesota offer a […]

A woman covers her face in a blurred crowd of people.

Be Still, Breathe: Bible Verses for Stress

April 9, 2024

Stress manifests in our lives in millions of ways. We experience it in fleeting moments during challenging situations and prolonged periods while facing significant life changes. Jobs, relationships, parenting and finances are all common triggers. While a small amount of stress can be motivating, too much can overwhelm us, affect our happiness and impact our […]

The shape of a cross and “Lent” spelled out using ashes.

Lent and Temptation: Find Meaning in the Season

March 6, 2024

Lent and temptation go hand in hand. During his 40 days in the desert, Jesus fasted and prayed so that he could achieve greater closeness to God. While testing his own self-discipline, he was visited by the devil three times and tempted with food, faith and power. Jesus overcame these temptations through faith in himself […]

The sun sets on a Bible with a cross and a dove in the background.

Be Still, Breathe: Bible Verses About Peace

January 12, 2024

In a world where news of conflict and unrest seems ever-present, the idea of peace can feel discouraging, if not hopeless. As a Lutheran church nestled in the heart of Woodbury, Minnesota, we understand the importance of promoting peace in our individual hearts, in our community and across the greater world. We hold fast to […]


Be Still, Breathe: Bible Verses About Hope

December 8, 2023

No other season symbolizes hope and new beginnings like Christmas. As we end one year and look optimistically to the next, let’s reflect on the profound importance of hope in our lives. Hope is what keeps us going each day. It motivates us to improve our lives and leave a better world for the next […]

An older woman sits alone on a park bench with fall colors around her.

Be Still, Breathe: Bible Verses About Loneliness

November 6, 2023

God is always with you, even during your loneliest moments. While loneliness is a profound emotional state that most of us experience at some point in our lives, you can find comfort and support in the Bible, in the church and in your community.  When you feel disconnected, isolated, or misunderstood, turning to the Word […]


Why We Worship: Union Gospel Mission

October 25, 2023

Worship is an important part of the believer’s relationship with God. It is our way to express love, adoration, and gratitude towards Him. After all, God seeks those who will worship Him with sincerity, authenticity, and intentionality. Romans 12:1 says, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies […]

A lone figure stands at the end of a dock on a gray morning.

Be Still, Breathe: Bible Verses for Grief

October 5, 2023

Grief is our soul’s natural way of processing the changes that touch us at various moments in our lives. In essence, it is the emotional pain we feel in response to loss, especially the death of a loved one. It ebbs and flows, taking us through various stages from disbelief to anger to acceptance. Yet, […]