
From the Back Pew Blog

Graphic of a white dove surrounded by flame to represent the Holy Spirit of Pentecost.

Why Pentecost is Important

May 6, 2022

Pentecost marks the beginning of the Christian Church. It occurs every year, 50 days after Easter Sunday. This year we celebrate Pentecost, on June 5. While it is not as widely acknowledged as Easter or Christmas, Pentecost has great religious significance. Why is Pentecost so important? Primarily because it marks the day when the Holy […]

Jesus on the cross in silhouette with two empty crosses behind.

What is Holy Week?

April 8, 2022

Holy week is one of the most important weeks in the church. It marks the passion of Jesus Christ and his last days on earth. Holy week begins on Palm Sunday and concludes on Easter. The events that transpired in between still resonate today. As we go through a brief Holy Week timeline, take time […]

Find the meaning of lent through prayer, fasting and giving

Find the Meaning of Lent

March 9, 2022

This year, don’t just think about what to give up for Lent, think about what you can gain. During the period we now call Lent, Jesus went into the desert for 40 days to find clarity and become closer to God. He was tempted three times by Satan and persevered three times thanks to God’s […]

Sharing your faith with others can be tricky. Having a strong church-based community like King of Kings can help.

How to Share Your Faith With Others

February 8, 2022

You experience faith differently than anyone else. This individuality is one of the great strengths and joys of having faith. But how do you share the wonder you feel with others? Especially when their faith (or lack of) is different than yours? At King of Kings, we believe the best way to share your faith […]

A group of new church friends hold hands.

How to Make Friends at A New Church

January 24, 2022

A church can be a wonderful place to meet new people and make friends. If you’ve relocated from a new city or had significant life changes, a church can be a strong center from which to start your new life. While there is no single blueprint for how to join a new church, we’re glad […]