
Building Community Enhancing Faith

King of Kings is a community of faith that strives to make every member and every visitor feel comfortable and welcome. While you're here, we want you to be encouraged, engaged, equipped, and empowered. If you're looking for churches in Woodbury, MN, check out our church.

Let's worship together on Christmas Eve! Service times are below with Candlelight Services at each time:
- Traditional Services (with Communion): 1:00pm, 7:00pm, and 9:00pm
- Contemporary Services (without Communion): 3:00pm and 5:00pm

About Our E4 Strategy

We are a community for spiritual discovery where we want our congregation to be: Encouraged, Engaged, Equipped and Empowered (E4).

Our mission, vision and values align to drive these four strategies so that every person in our community feels welcomed, supported and nurtured through God’s Word.

Learn More About E4


Men’s Ministry Speaker Breakfast
Join Men’s Ministry on Saturday, January 18th from 8:30-10:30am for a hot breakfast and guest speaker! Wes Farrow, President of will be speaking on living our faith in the workplace. WorkLight’s mission is “To encourage and equip Christians to be God’s presence in the workplace by the power of the Holy Spirit, exercising faith, […]
Click here to register
Middle School Movie Night
Come hang out and watch a movie that you guys will choose that night.  Bring a snack to share with the group and let’s have some fun!! December 13, Friday, from 7:00pm-9:30pm Youth Room
Click here to register
Cancer Support Group
Cancer Support Meeting for those with cancer, second Monday of the month, 6:30pm-7:30pm at King of Kings Lutheran Church. Being diagnosed with cancer can be very scary and stressful.  Accepting our diagnosis is challenging.  While every person’s cancer journey is unique to them, there is great value in building a camaraderie with those that can share their journey, faith and support. […]
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Explore Baptism Class
Thank you for registering for the Explore Baptism Class! Class will be held in Room 108.
Click here to register
Confirmation Retreat
Hey 7th and 8th grade confirmation students!  Get signed up for the confirmation retreat today!  We will be heading out to WAPO for a time of fun, games, faith and conversation! It’s going to be a great time so get signed up today! -Michael
Click here to register
Explore King of Kings
Find out more about who we are, with some free lunch and fellowship! Check out dates on Registration, Noon, Holy Grounds Café.
Click here to register
Middle School Milwaukee Mission Trip 2025
Dates: June 22, Sunday through June 27th, Friday! Total cost of the trip is $650 per participant and includes EVERYTHING! Want to go?  Get registered here and pay a non refundable $100 deposit! Parents meeting to be held December 8, Sunday, at 9:30am. For further information, please contact Michael.
Click here to register
2025 High School Adventure
Hey High Schoolers!  Want to go explore the Rocky Mountains?  Want to take a train trip half way across the country?  Then come join us this summer!  We are going to take the Amtrak Train to just outside Glacier National Park and then during our week together we are going spend our time exploring God’s […]
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2024/2025 Kids of the Kingdom Registration
Kids of the Kingdom partners with families to nurture and grow the faith of children. As parents, you are the primary faith nurturers for your children. Our goal is to help you inspire and further their faith through worship, fellowship, learning, service, and outreach. Cost $45.00 Classes are offered Sundays during the 9:30 and 10:45 […]
Click here to register
2024/2025 Middle School thru Confirmation
Education for 6th-8th Grade for the 2024/2025 school year will include: 6th Grade is a Foundational Year: In-between Concrete & Abstract Thinking $55– enter # of participants in the quantity field, not dollar amount. Thank you! • Prayer: Practices• Martin Luther & history of Lutheranism• Small Catechism: Lord’s Prayer, 10 Commandments, Apostle’s Creed, & the […]
Click here to register

News + Updates

Christmas Eve Services

We are assembling an awesome team of Ushers, Greeters, and Communion Assistants for our Christmas Eve Services!

Feeling unsure since you haven’t volunteered before? We’ll be hosting a training session to make sure you feel equipped to do your best!

Sign up here!

Holiday Boutique

We hope to see you December 7th for our Annual Holiday Boutique! We’ll have over 75 booths for you to explore!

Please note we are no longer accepting vendor applications.

Promotional Poster

Promotional Graphic

Food with Friends

Join us for food and fellowship at our Community Dinner!

We host a meal every first Thursday of the month. Our next one is December 5 from 5:30–7:00pm.

All are welcome to come enjoy a meal and make new friends! No registration needed.

And, if you want to help serve, just email Pam.

Men's Ministry

Men’s Bible and Breakfast!
Discipleship Group (D-Groups)
Saturday, December 14
8:30-10:30 am/Cafe
Pre-read II Corinthians 10-13
Monday and/or Tuesdays, Sundays
December 2,3,16,17
6:30-7:30 am/Youth Room
December 8 and 22, Sundays
10:45-11:45 West Conference Room


Men’s Resolute Bible Study
Saturday, November 30 (the last Saturday of the month!)
9:00-10:00 am/Cafe

Concert Series

King of Kings is blessed to be the host site for a variety of music groups! Mark your calendars! You are welcome to come hear live music, free of charge!


Check out our blog  clicking here.

New to King of Kings Lutheran?

At King of Kings church in Woodbury, MN, we believe that faith, learning and serving God are more powerful when experienced together. Our doors are open to all who wish to nurture theirs souls, their families and their community through a warm and welcoming church that loves Jesus Christ. We’d enjoy meeting you!

I'm New
Reach Out to King of Kings!

Do you have questions about our Worship services or programs? Or do you have a prayer request? Reach out to King of Kings.

We’re here to welcome you and answer any questions you may have!

Contact Us Give Prayer Request

Prayer Request

paper airplane

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Download Our App!

The App is the best way to stay connected to the church outside of Sunday! It will allow you to receive important updates for those ministry areas you’re involved with and offers the convenience of taking sermon notes right on your phone or mobile device. It also provides the ability to give a gift online in a safe and secure manner, plus so much more.

graphic of cell phones with king of kings pages

To download our app, choose one of the following:

  • Go to the Apple App store or Google Play store and search for “King of King’s Woodbury”, or
  • Text KingofKingsApp to 833-245-6561, or
  • Click here here to be texted a link for downloading the app

You will have the option to set up your profile immediately, or you can choose to bypass those first few steps.  If you have questions, please email Dianne Johnson.