An older woman sits alone on a park bench with fall colors around her.

God is always with you, even during your loneliest moments. While loneliness is a profound emotional state that most of us experience at some point in our lives, you can find comfort and support in the Bible, in the church and in your community. 

When you feel disconnected, isolated, or misunderstood, turning to the Word of God offers a way to find connection. Below are some of the verses we have found to be particularly uplifting. We’ve also included ways you can make connections within the church and some loneliness resources online and in the community.

Scripture on Loneliness

A man sits and prays alone on the pew of a darkened church.

From the young to the elderly, loneliness does not discriminate. It’s a universal emotion that transcends age, gender and circumstance. One only needs to look to the Bible to see how anyone can be afflicted. Even prominent figures like Elijah, David and Jesus faced moments of profound loneliness. Turning to these Bible verses about being alone may bring comfort during difficult times.

Deuteronomy 31:6

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified… for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Moses spoke these words to the Israelites as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. It’s a reminder that, even in the face of daunting challenges or overwhelming loneliness, God’s presence is a constant. His continued promise to never abandon us provides strength and courage.

Psalm 25:16-17

“Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.”

David pours out his heart to God, expressing his feelings of isolation and the weight of his troubles. David’s candid expression of his loneliness is a testament to the depth of human emotion captured in the Scriptures. Even great figures like David, who had accomplished so much and was beloved by many, experienced feelings of loneliness and despair. 

Psalm 147:3

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

Loneliness can be a symptom of heartbreak. This Psalm acknowledges the pain and isolation that heartbreak can bring. Yet, it also emphasizes God’s role as the healer, suggesting that in our moments of profound loneliness and pain, God is actively working to mend our hearts.

Psalm 23:4

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

One of the best known Psalms invokes God’s guidance and protection during the most challenging times. The imagery of the rod and staff suggests His strong presence even when we feel most alone. 

Hebrews 13:5

“…God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'”

Quoting from the New Testament, the author of Hebrews emphasizes God’s promise of steadfastness. This affirmation reminds us that God’s commitment to His people is unchanging.

Matthew 28:20

“…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Jesus speaks these comforting words to His disciples after His resurrection, assuring them of His continued presence. And today, this promise extends to us by reminding us that Jesus’ presence and love are eternal.

The Importance of Community in Alleviating Loneliness

A young school girl its alone while other kids play in the background.

Being alone can feel like a trap. It may seem difficult if not impossible to reach out for help and find the support you need. Male loneliness can be especially difficult to combat as males are often expected to be steadfast and self-sufficient. Finding support through friends, family or community is key to getting to a better place.

The Role of the Church

At King of Kings, we want everyone in our community to feel welcome. The church offers a place of belonging and fellowship where you can find solace and connection. Engaging in church activities, joining small groups or simply attending services can help combat feelings of isolation. 

Consider joining any of our small groups such as King’s Sisters, the Retired Men’s Group or Mothers of Preschoolers.

Volunteering is another great way to combat loneliness. King of Kings offers a variety of volunteer opportunities from door greeters to global missionaries. See our connect and serve page for the full list.

The Power of Prayer for Loneliness

Communal worship and prayer can foster a deep sense of connection, reminding us of God’s ever-present love.  Our prayer ministers would love to include you in their prayers. Contact them via email for more information.

Additional Resources for Loneliness Help

Beyond Bible verses about loneliness, there are many resources online and in the community to help you manage feelings of loneliness. 

Online Resources

Local Minnesota Help with Loneliness

  • Mental Health Minnesota – Information about mental health and coping methods for a variety of afflictions.
  • NAMI Minnesota – Local chapter of national organization which focuses on support for mental health issues.
  • Minnesota Warmline – Talk to someone who is willing to listen and understand what you’re going through.

Books About Loneliness

You’re Not Alone

We all experience feelings of isolation and sadness. Whether through verses about loneliness, prayer, or community, staying connected can alleviate these feelings and bring spiritual comfort. At King of Kings church in Woodbury, MN, we strive to build a meaningful community where all are welcome. We encourage you to reach out and experience our congregation. For questions or to get connected now, contact our church team or join us on Sundays for our traditional or contemporary worship.  We’d love to meet you and hear about your experiences.