Lutheran podcasts offer a unique opportunity for Christians to dive deeper into their faith and explore a variety of subjects and viewpoints. Whether you’re a lifelong Lutheran or just starting to explore the teachings of Martin Luther, there’s a podcast to match your curiosity level. Listen in the car, while you’re making dinner or during a quiet moment. 

Little did Martin Luther know when he wrote his 95 Theses that we’d be able to listen to his ideas 500 years later on a device that fits in our pocket. He might even be proud to know that the individual has so many ways to grow their faith. To help you navigate the well-populated Holy waters of Lutheran podcasting, we’ve put together a short guide of some of the more popular Lutheran podcasts. 

The Top 7 Lutheran Podcasts to Listen To

A podcasting microphone with bible and crucifix in the background.

Where to begin? It may depend on what you’re looking for. Here’s a breakdown of five of the more well-known Lutheran podcasts and what you can expect from each.

1. Christian History Almanac

A short but always informative Lutheran podcast is “Christian History Almanac.” This daily program features known and lesser known events in Christian history. The content maintains a hip and contemporary attitude despite subjects that cross thousands of years. The host, Dr. Daniel van Voorhis concludes each episode with a reading or piece of poetry. Fun, opinionated and engaging.

2. Being Lutheran

For the more academically inclined, try this locally produced podcast which began as a bible class. Three pastors systematically go through the Lutheran Book of Concord article by article to explore the early foundations of Lutheranism. For those unfamiliar, The Book of Concord is a Lutheran text compiled by theologians in the mid 1500s. It is a guidebook for the beliefs and teachings of the Lutheran faith. Their slogan “Why we are who we are” sums their program up nicely.

3. Enter the Bible

Have you ever sat during church service and suddenly had a question that seemed too random or embarrassing to ask? This podcast might be the resource you’re looking for. From “What does it mean to bless?” to “The Bible and justice.” You’ll find a host of fascinating topics covered in thoughtful conversations. They bill the podcast as “Everything you wanted to ask about the Bible…but were afraid to ask” and they give plenty of comprehensive answers to reflect upon. 

4. The Thinking Fellows

If you’re looking for a more casual Lutheran podcast, “The Thinking Fellows” takes a broader look at faith issues. This show is hosted by a group of Lutheran pastors who often use pop culture references and humor to make the discussions more engaging. Topics range from the history of the Reformation to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. They ask a lot of good questions and have thoughtful discussions beyond your typical Christian topics.

5. Book Hub

Hear what prominent Christian authors think about a variety of subjects. Each episode features a panel-type forum in which writers, speakers and thought leaders discuss topics based on their work. Listen to discussions about community, emotions, immigration, spirituality and more. 

6. Pivot Podcast

We live in uncertain times. How can the Christian faith help make sense of things when some much change and disruption makes life confusing? The Pivot Podcast seeks to answer these questions and help listeners find comfort when the world doesn’t make sense. The format is conversational and features many guest experts to help probe important issues of our day.

7. Hymnody

A young man listens to a Lutheran podcast during his train ride.

Finally, for those interested in Lutheran music and worship, “Hymnody” is a must-listen. This podcast features discussions and performances of classic Lutheran hymns, exploring the history and meaning behind each song. Hosted by a Lutheran pastor and a professional musician, the show is a great way to deepen your appreciation for the rich musical heritage of the Lutheran Church.

Share Your Favorite Podcast

Lutheran podcasts offer a wealth of resources for Christians looking to deepen their faith. Whether you’re interested in theology, history, music, or personal stories of faith, there is a podcast out there for you. Next time you find yourself with a quiet minute or ten, try dialing up one of these options. If you’ve discovered a faith-based podcast not on our list, bring it to King of Kings Church in Woodbury and share it with the congregation. Our community is always looking for new ways to support and nurture each other.